0.11 (2016-07-18)

  • Removed: autocommit was removed from the Dectate API. Rely on the commit class method of the App class instead for a more explicit alternative.
  • Removed: auto_query_tool was removed from the Dectate API. Use query_tool(App.commit()) instead.
  • Fix repr of directives so that you can at least see their name.
  • he execution order of filters is now reproducible, to ensure consistent test covearge reports.
  • Use abstract base classes from the standard library for the Action and Composite classes.
  • Use feature detection instead of version detection to ensure Python 2/3 compatibility.
  • Increased test coverage.
  • Set up Travis CI and Coverall as continuous integration services for quality assurance purposes.
  • Add support for Python 3.3 and 3.5.
  • Make Python 3.5 the default testing environment.

0.10.2 (2016-04-26)

  • If nothing is found for an app in the query tool, don’t mention it in the output so as to avoid cluttering the results.
  • Fix a major bug in the query tool where if an app resulted in no results, any subsequent apps weren’t even searched.

0.10.1 (2016-04-26)

  • Create proper deprecation warnings instead of plain warnings for autocommit and auto_query_tool.

0.10 (2016-04-25)

  • Deprecated The autocommit function is deprecated. Rely on the commit class method of the App class instead for a more explicit alternative.
  • Deprecated The auto_query_tool function is deprecated. Rely on dectate.query_tool(MyApp.commit()) instead. Since the commit method returns an iterable of App classes that are required to commit the app class it is invoked on, this returns the right information.
  • topological_sort function is exposed as the public API.
  • A commit class method on App classes.
  • Report on inconsistent uses of factories between different directives’ config settings as well as factory_arguments for registries. This prevents bugs where a new directive introduces the wrong factory for an existing directive.
  • Expanded internals documentation.

0.9.1 (2016-04-19)

  • Fix a subtle bug introduced in the last release. If factory_arguments were in use with a config name only created in that context, it was not properly cleaned up, which in some cases can make a commit of a subclass get the same config object as that of the base class.

0.9 (2016-04-19)

  • Change the behavior of query_tool so that if it cannot find an action class for the directive name the query result is empty instead of making this an error. This makes auto_query_tool work better.
  • Introduce auto_query_tool which uses the automatically found app classes as the default app classes to query.
  • Fix tests that use __builtin__ that were failing on Python 3.
  • Dependencies only listed in factory_arguments are also created during config creation.

0.8 (2016-04-12)

  • Document how to refer to builtins in Python 3.
  • Expose is_committed method on App subclasses.

0.7 (2016-04-11)

  • Fix a few documentation issues.
  • Expose convert_dotted_name and document it.
  • Implement new convert_bool.
  • Allow use of directive name instead of Action subclass as argument to Query.
  • A query_app function which is especially helpful when writing tests for the query tool – it takes unconverted filter arguments.
  • Use newer version of with_metaclass from six.
  • Expose NOT_FOUND and document it.
  • Introduce a new filter_get_value method you can implement if the normal attribute getting and filter_name are not enough.

0.6 (2016-04-06)

  • Introduce a query system for actions and a command-line tool that lets you query actions.

0.5 (2016-04-04)

  • Breaking change The signature of commit has changed. Just pass in one or more arguments you want to commit instead of a list. See #8.

0.4 (2016-04-01)

  • Expose code_info attribute for action. The path in particular can be useful in implementing a directive such as Morepath’s template_directory. Expose it for composite too.
  • Report a few more errors; you cannot use config, before or after after in an action class if group_class is set.
  • Raise a DirectiveReportError if a DirectiveError is raised in a composite actions method.

0.3 (2016-03-30)

  • Document importscan package that can be used in combination with this one.
  • Introduced factory_arguments feature on config factories, which can be used to create dependency relationships between configuration.
  • Fix a bug where config items were not always properly reused. Now only the first one in the action class dependency order is used, and it is not recreated.

0.2 (2016-03-29)

  • Remove clear_autocommit as it was useless during testing anyway. In tests just use explicit commit.
  • Add a dectate.sphinxext module that can be plugged into Sphinx so that directives are documented properly.
  • Document how Dectate deals with double imports.

0.1 (2016-03-29)

  • Initial public release.